Master theses

The Master’s thesis represents the conclusion of the architecture program. Each semester, three design topics are published by alternating design institutes: Two in structural engineering, one in urban planning. Students also have the opportunity to submit a free master's thesis with a self-imposed task.

The students work on the task of the thesis in a competition-like procedure within a period of 14 weeks. The thesis is handed in by presenting it in person to the so-called “committee of five”. Their grade recommendations are then discussed in the so-called “large commission”. In this way, the comparability of the evaluations is ensured. Both commissions are composed of professors, representatives of the academic staff and students.

On the following pages you will find selected master theses of the past semesters.

Gemeinwohlorientierte Stadt. Urbanes Wohnen in Erlaa
Institute ofDesign and Urban Planning
Prof. i. V. Andreas Krauth/ Verena Schmidt

Kinder- und Jugendbibliothek in Stockholm
Institute of Design and Building Construction
Prof. Felix Waechter

Modehaus Antwerpen
Institute of Design and Sustainable Construction
Prof. Christoph Kuhn

Institute of Design and Urban Development
Prof. Dr. Annette Rudolph-Cleff

six feet under | ashes to ashes – Friedhof der Weltreligionen
Ed. by the Institute of Design and Spatial Design
Prof. i.V. Dr. Tom Schoper

Institute of Design and Building Design
Prof. Wolfgang Lorch

Free Master Theses