Dr.-Ing. Marianne Halblaub Miranda
work +49 (0)6151 16-25497
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Marianne Halblaub Miranda is research associate in the Urban Health Games research group from the Department of Architecture at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. She holds an engineering degree in architecture and urban planning from the TU Darmstadt. Her research focus is on user-centred design, and the influence of the urban built environment on its users. Investigations include spatial cognition and perception, navigation and orientation, and health-related activities in urban open spaces.She leads various research projects and co-leads an urban design unit on Universal Design and Access for All.
- project mo.de (lead researcher)
Multidisciplinary research program – LOEWE Schwerpunkt IDS – Infrastructure-Design-Society
January 2018 – December 2021 - PREHealth (project manager and researcher)
An EU/DAAD Erasmus+ project investigating urban open space and how people’s needs can be put into the centre of planning in order to maximize their benefits for health and wellbeing
December 2016 – July 2019 - Active Learning Spaces (lead researcher)
A pilot study on co design in healthy schools investigating the impact of school design on pupils' learning, physical activity, and wellbeing.. Funded research project with Heinrich-Hoffmann Schule, Darmstadt.
August 2016 – February 2018 - MoMe (lead researcher)
A context-sensitive mobile application developed as a research tool to assess spatial perception and behaviour in built environments.
2015 – ongoing
Design Unit + Bachelor Thesis
- Griesheimer Düne – A new development at TU Darmstadt’s August-Euler-Airfield (WS19/20)
- New Kids on the Woog – Urban design concepts for an active and green primary school (WS18/19)
- Movimiento – Mobilitätsquartiere am Darmstädter Hauptbahnhof (SS18)
- Frankfurt reads! – Urban design for an inclusive Frankfurt Book Fair (WS17/18)
- Jovanka kommt an! – Urban Design for an inclusive Campus Lichtwiese (SS17)
- Run Lui Run! – Urban Design for an inclusive city center in Darmstadt (WS16/17)
- On the Move (WS17/18, WS18/19, WS19/20)
Urban planning course within the Masters Program Mundus Urbano – International Cooperation in Urban Development - Gesundheit und Stadtgestaltung – Strategien und Analysemethoden zur Stadtentwicklung (SS16)
- Course „Developing Urban Health Games (2013-2016)"
Further formats
Supervised Thesis
- Assessment framework for urban subcenters based in a sustainable urban mobility approach – A desk-based approach.
Álvaro Manríquez Jiménez (Master's Thesis – Mundus Urbano MSc., SoSe 2019) - Urban Furniture And Human Inclusion In Urban Public Spaces.
Saniya Arif (Master's Thesis – DAAD-IIT-Master Sandwich Program, SoSe 2019)
- Marianne Halblaub, M., Vásquez Fauggier, M., Knöll, M. (2018): Potenziale für die Planung und Gestaltung von gesundheitsfördernden Freiräumen. In: FORUM WOHNEN UND STADTENTWICKLUNG. Zeitschrift des vhw – Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung e. V., 1:2018, pp 2-6.
- Halblaub Miranda, M., Ustinova, M., Tregel, T. & Knöll, M. (2017): MoMe@school – A pilot study on an analytical and participatory tool for active learning spaces design. Journal of Urban Design and Mental Health, 2017; 3:10 (online)
- Halblaub Miranda, M., Knöll, M. (2016): Stadtflucht: Learning about healthy places with a location-based game, in: Navigationen, Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften, 16 (1): 101-118.
Article (opens in new tab)
- Knöll, Halblaub Miranda, Cleff & Rudolph-Cleff (2019): “Public Space and pedestrian stress perception – Insights from Darmstadt, Germany.” In: Igor Vojnovic, Amber L. Pearson, Gershim Asiki, Geoff DeVerteuil, Adriana Allen (Hrsg.) Handbook of Global Urban Health, Routledge, S.269-82
- Knöll, Hopp & Halblaub Miranda (2018):“Stadtgestaltung für eine inklusive Stadtmitte Darmstadt.”In: Werkbundakademie, e.V.; agenda21, TG Stadtgestalt; Kühn, F.; Lück, W.; Rahe, J. (Hrsg.) Kulturelle Mitte Darmstadt – Ein kritischer Stadtführer, Jovis, S. 148-157
- Knöll, Hopp & Halblaub Miranda (Hrsg.) (2019): Frankfurt liest! Stadtgestaltung für eine inklusive Frankfurter Buchmesse. Städtebaulicher Entwurf im Wintersemester 2017/18.
Darmstadt: Technische Universität Darmstadt, Fachbereich Architektur, Forschungsgruppe Urban Health Games. - Knöll, Hopp & Halblaub Miranda (Hrsg.) (2018): Jovanka kommt an! Stadtgestaltung für einen inklusiven Campus Lichtwiese. Städtebaulicher Entwurf im Sommersemester 2017.
Darmstadt: Technische Universität Darmstadt, Fachbereich Architektur, Forschungsgruppe Urban Health Games. - Knöll, Hopp & Halblaub Miranda (Hrsg.) (2017): Lui rennt! Stadtgestaltung für eine inklusive Stadtmitte Darmstadts. Städtebaulicher Entwurf im Wintersemester 2016/17
Darmstadt: Technische Universität Darmstadt, Fachbereich Architektur, Forschungsgruppe Urban Health Games.
- “SHORT TALKS: MOBILITY RESEARCH – designing questions”
re/set mobility design – international conference
HfG Offenbach, 7.-8. November 2019 - “Mobilitätsdesign im städtebaulichen Kontext”
Tagung Mobilität 2100: Mobilitätsdesign – Wie die Gestaltung uns beeinflusst
House of Logistics & Mobility, Frankfurt am Main, 15.09.2019 - “Gesundheitsfördernde Freiräume: Potenziale für die Planung und Gestaltung.”
Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung trotz Bevölkerungswachstum? Wohnungs- und immobilienwirtschaftliches Seminar.
Universität Mannheim, 16.05.2019 - “Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst – Einbindung von Schüler*innenin den Planungsprozess”.
Symposium OLD SCHOOL – Neues Lernen, Vol. 4 Reallabor STADT-RAUM-BILDUNG
Universität Stuttgart, 16.03.2018. - “Urban Health – Vivre dans un environment urbain sain”.
9ème Conférence nationale Santé: Health Literacy & Healthy Living.
Ministère de la Santé Luxemburg, Esch-sur-Alzette, 05.04.2017 - „Growing up in an urban school environment – Participatory tools to analyze school settings.“
International Symposium ”Education and City: Partnership for success.“
Moscow City University, 14.-16. Mai 2018 - Participation in the panel discussion ”Game Design for Urban Spaces"
International Urban Games Festival 'Playin‘ Siegen'
Universität Siegen, 04.2015
Transcript (opens in new tab) - Guest speaker at the film review and discussion of the movie “Her”
9th SchulKinoWochen Hessen, Wissenschaftsjahr 2015 – Zukunftsstadt
Darmstadt, 03.2015
- Halblaub Miranda & Ustinova: “I spy with my little eye. A child-led assessment of their school built environment.”
ANFA Conference 2018: “Shared behavioral outcomes”
Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA, September 2019 - Halblaub Miranda, Knöll & Hopp: “Travel, approach, enter! A three-step framework to analyse and co-create inclusive public space.”
Healthy City Design 2018 International Congress.
Royal Collage of Physicians, London, 15.-16. October 2018 - Halblaub Miranda & Knöll: „THE LUISENPLATZ STUDY – The relationship between visual fields and perceived stress in a public transport hub.”
11th International Space Syntax Symposium.
Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, 3.-7. July 2017
Poster (opens in new tab) - Halblaub Miranda, Hardy & Knöll: “MoMe: a context-sensitive mobile application to research spatial perception and behaviour.”
Human mobility, cognition and GISc.
University of Copenhagen, 11.2015
Extended Abstract (opens in new tab)
- “13th international AESOP Young Academics Conference: Planning inclusive spaces: an inter- and trans-disciplinary approach.”
Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2.-5. April 2019 - “Accessible hubs. International workshop on Universal Design in urban mobility systems.”
Technische Universität Darmstadt, 8.-9. November 2018