Vorbildliche Lehrgebäude. Architekturfakultäten nach 1945

In February 2022, a new essay by Christiane Fülscher was published in the book on the Staatsbauschule München edited by Silke Langenberg, Karl R. Kegler and Regine Hess. Starting from the new building in the Bavarian capital, the author shows the general conditions and expectations that were attached to the new establishment of architecture faculties after the Second World War. The early new buildings of architecture faculties in Munich, Darmstadt, Braunschweig, Stuttgart and Berlin responded as didactically conceived teaching buildings to nothing less than the social questions of the time.
Christiane Fülscher, Vorbildliche Lehrgebäude. Architekturfakultäten nach 1945. In: 132-155. Silke Langenberg, Karl Kegler, Regine Hess (Hg.), Staatsbauschule München. Architektur, Konstruktion und Ausbildungstradition, München: Detail 2022,