„Re/Produktionsbedingungen der Architektur – revisited“
Tagung am Bauhaus-Dessau
The 10th FORUM Architectural Science, scheduled for October 24 to 26, 2024, at the historic Bauhaus Dessau, celebrates the anniversary by revisiting the theme of the inaugural forum.
This event will update, expand, and explore „Production Conditions of Architecture: Between Autonomy and Heteronomy“ (2014) from multiple perspectives. We engage in both the practice of architecture and its theoretical reflection. Beyond the societal impacts and the creativity inherent in architectural design, the professional lives of architects are profoundly shaped by systemic dependencies, technical requirements, and functional constraints.
Given the challenges of our crisisridden times, several critical questions emerge:
(1) What new or utopian perspectives, critical attitudes, alternative models, and self-concepts are present in contemporary architectural practice?
(2) What innovative strategies, practices, and roles are emerging?
(3) How are knowledge, skills, relationships, responsibilities, authorship, and aesthetics evolving?
(4) Lastly, what power dynamics, limitations, and areas of ignorance pose challenges to a progressive architectural practice?
To delve deeper into the re/production conditions of architecture, the anniversary forum is organized around three thematic areas. These are intended to unite all participants across various formats and encourage a productive exchange:
- „Dynamics of Work“ – „Promises of Digitalisation“
- „Expansion of Care“
Anmeldung/registration: anmeldung@architekturwissenschaft.net
Program and Information
See you on Thursday!
The 10th Forum Architectural Science is a collaborative effort involving University of Apllied Sciences Anhalt Dessau, Fachhochschule Kiel University of Applied Sciences, the Architectural Association School of Architecture London, the Technical University Darmstadt and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim.
Funding for this event is provided by the Sutor Foundation (Foundation for the Promotion of the Science of Architecture and Technology) and the momus | Foundation (Foundation for the Promotion of the Theory of Architecture). Additional support is provided by the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.