International Workshop on Designing for Accessibility
18. November 2021 from 16:00 to 18:00 CET via Zoom

The transatlantic architectural discourse started in a joint seminar offered by the Department of Architecture of the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany and the Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center of the Virginia Tech in the U.S. in the past spring, where students developed 8 different comparative urban research projects, which embraced the term of accessibility in different forms: social, physical, and cognitive accessibility.
In order to continue with this fruitful experience, we aim to facilitate this online workshop, in which students, researchers and experts from both sides of the Atlantic discuss and bring to the front the importance of embracing the term of accessibility in all its forms, while analyzing the challenges and potentials that these three perspectives could bring when designing public spaces.
Students and public in general interested on the topic of accessibility and public spaces are very welcome!
Registration and link to the workshop: Zoom Link
Or viamail to: fauggier@stadt.tu-…
Seminar SoSe 2022:
Comparative Urbanism
An Introduction to Research in Urban Planning
(3CPs course for Bachelor and Master Students)
22.02.2022 – 10.05.2022
In this online seminar you will design and develop your own research project together with students from the Virginia Tech in Washington D.C. based on real cases of study in both sides of the Atlantic. In addition, you will receive input and support from teachers and professors from both universities.
Excursion to Washington D.C.
As part of the seminar, an optional excursion to Washington D.C., is planned for the first week of January 2022 (3rd – 7th). There will be funding for a limited number of students (flight tickets and money for daily expenses). The selection process will be following the principle „first come, first served“.
Before you write a mail to state your wish of participating this trip and the seminar, please think carefully of: your availability on those dates; the regulations in terms of COVID-19 to enter USA and Germany. It is possible to attend the seminar without joing the trip, but not vice versa.
Application via mail to: visnjic@architektur.tu-…