Planning Future Cities: Governance and Contemporary Politics of Urban and Infrastructure Development

Open lectures on recent trends and theories in urban studies, offered in collaboration by Urban Morphosis Lab (UML) & University of Kassel


The online lecture series deals with Urban and Infrastructure Governance. Practitioners and academics are invited to speak about urban development and discuss it with the participants afterwards. The series is part of the seminar of the same name by UML partner– Dr-Ing. Gül Tucaltan, in Institut für Urbane Entwicklung, FB Architecture-Stadtplanung-Landschatsplanung in Universität Kassel.

Time: Mondays, 09:00 – 12:30 Uhr

Zoom Link:


Date: 16. May 2022

Global agendas for urban development and their implementation (Dipl-Ing. Stephanie Loose, Chief Technical Officer, UN-Habitat)
The lecture will focus on SDGs and Agenda 2030 and will be presented by (

Date: 30 May. 2022

Politics of Urban Infrastructure: Grounded everyday experiences (Dr.-Ing. Prince Karakire Guma–British Institute of East Africa, Dr.-Ing. Anshika Suri–TU Darmstadt)
The second open lecture will focus on the topic of gender in/and technology in urban cities.