Sichten 25 – Dialogue

The anniversary edition of the annual exhibition of the Department of Architecture at TU Darmstadt from 1 to 5 November


After a two-year break, the Sichten exhibition of the Department of Architecture at TU Darmstadt is celebrating its long-awaited comeback.

From 01 to 05 November 2022, the exhibition presents not only numerous building and urban development designs, but also the broad spectrum of design, artistic, technical and scientific aspects of studying architecture at TU Darmstadt. Sichten 25 – like all previous Sichten exhibitions – was put together and staged by students of the department.

The digital and the analogue and the dialogue between the two have become increasingly important for the students in recent years, which is why we have made them the theme of our exhibition. After all, architecture thrives on exchange, communication and interaction. We encounter the digital and the analogue during our studies, sometimes obviously in the form of a submission, sometimes more covertly in our choice of working methods. We can set a focus, but we can't get by without one of the two parts. This became especially clear in times of domestic isolation.

In the past two years, a lot of work has been produced, some of it at our own desks, some of it in the workrooms at the university. We are showing these works in this year's exhibition and in the accompanying catalogue as an expression of new insights, applied knowledge and creative ideas.

The exhibition venue is the Galerie Kurzweil at Bismarkstraße 133.

The programme

We will celebrate the opening of the exhibition on Tuesday, 01.11.2022, with the vernissage from 6 pm. The following day, as part of the Wednesday evening lecture series, the Sichten 25 Pecha Kucha Night will take place at 6 pm in the Lichtwiese auditorium, leading into the opening of the international symposium “Are you a Model?”. On Thursday, 3 November, the Jakob Wilhelm Mengler Award will be presented, ending with a cosy bar evening in the gallery. The exhibition will culminate in a finissage party on Saturday, 5 November.

The Sichten25 team is looking forward to your visit.

The dates in the overview:

Tue, 01 Nov, 6 pm
Vernissage with champagne reception
Kurzweil Gallery

Wed, 02.11, 6 pm
Pecha Kucha Night and reception for the symposium “Are you a Model?
Max Guther Lecture Hall
El-Lissitzky-Strasse 1
Campus Lichtwiese

Thu, 03.11, 6 p.m.
Awarding of the Jakob-Wilhelm-Mengler-Prize followed by a bar evening
Kurzweil Gallery

Sat., 05.11., from 11 p.m. onwards
Finissage party with ”Public Possession"
Kurzweil Gallery

Guided tours
Guided tours for school classes will be offered during the exhibition days. If you are interested, please contact

A catalogue will be published to accompany the exhibition and will be available on site.

Sichten 25 is supported by:

  • Chamber of Architects and Town Planners Hessen
  • GRAPHISOFT Centre Rhine-Main
  • Jakob Wilhelm Mengler Foundation
  • Planquadrat
  • Sparkasse Darmstadt
  • schneider + schumacher
  • Paul & Co
  • AStA TU Darmstadt
  • PLU Architecture
  • Printer pool and model workshop of the FB15

The Sichten team:

  • Annika Beissner
  • Anja Burak
  • Joëla Huxhorn
  • Sophia Ibach
  • Khaled Nassar
  • Maren Schroeder
  • Saskia Riede
  • Team leader Gabriel Sellmer
  • Nils Weiß
  • Karim Ramadan

Kurzweil Gallery

Bismarkstraße 133a (Kirschenallee stop)
64293 Darmstadt

Opening hours:

  • Tuesday 18.00 to 22.00
  • Wednesday to Friday: 11.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.
  • Saturday: 11.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
