Unite! against energy poverty


Session 1 : „Energy Poverty in Europe : what can I do as a student?“

Date : October 27th, 2022 5:30pm CET – duration 1h30

In this first session, student will discover what Energy Poverty is, the specific situation of students and the different challenges in different countries. There will be a focus on student involvement in actions to tackle Energy Poverty

We are happy to welcome to this conference researchers from Engager network ( Portugal, Spain and Greece ) and experts from HOPE chair (France )

https://grenoble-inp.zoom.us/j/99956331440 (code: 571651)

Session will be recorded

Session 2 : „I have a dream“… when students across Europe get together to address energy poverty"

Date : December 15th, 2022 5:30pm CET -

Sharing about best practices collected by students.
Working groups with students and teachers to imagine new collaborations about Energy Poverty

Between the 2 sessions students will be asked to prepare ( individually or by groups) a 5-minute video ( subtitles in English )

  • what is Energy Poverty in my country, in my region or in my university ?( focus on the European place where you study)
  • present a best practice that you observed that contributes to reduce Energy Poverty
  • present what you would dream to do on this topic

Interested students at TUDa can contact Dr.-Ing. Anshika Suri () for details & participation. The event is open to all for participating and engaging!