GoOut und PechaKucha International – Infoveranstaltungen
Infoveranstaltungen des International Office Architektur am 24. Oktober 2023.
Am 15.10.2023 ist die Bewerbungsphase für das Akademische Jahr 2024-25 gestartet. Aus diesem Grund präsentiert und informiert das International Office des Fachbereich 15 im Rahmen der GoOut – Infoveranstaltung über alle möglichen Angebote des Auslandsstudiums. Am Abend berichten Studierende in Kurzvorträgen von ihren Erlebnissen an unseren Partneruniversitäten.

24.10. at 14:00: Go Out Info Event
In this event, the International Office of the Department will inform you about the application and selection process, the partner universities, the recognition of achievements from abroad and answer your questions.
Location: Department Hall (Room 51)
24.10. at 18:00: PechaKucha International
In order to get an impression of studying abroad, students of the department will give short talks about their experiences during their semester abroad in a cosy atmosphere.
Reports will be given on stays abroad in Portugal, France, Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Belgium, Ireland and Korea!
Location: Kuhle
Online application
Folder submission
until 04.12.2023 in and in the IO(A) Moodle course GoOut
(wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) Overview of available exchange places
In addition, the International Office of the TU offers information events for studying in certain regions and funding opportunities as part of the series. „Wege ins Ausland-Go Out“