Gimme (More) Shelter – New Ideas for the Classic Shelter in the Hessian Kinzigtal


Start/Excursion: April 22, 2024, Kinzig-Auental Excursion (Bike tour with picnic)
Meeting point at 10 a.m. at Wächtersbach Train Station
Ending no later than 3 p.m. in Gelnhausen
With the seminar “Animated Visions”

Final Presentation: May 13, 2024 (Online)

Supervisors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Dettmar; Dr.-Ing. Sandra Sieber; M. Eng. Johanna Moraweg

Gimme Shelter: Vision/Preliminary design for a “shelter” in the Kinzig-Auental – regional, self-sufficient, sustainable, clever (1 ECTS credit, individual work).

Gimme More Shelter: Vision/Preliminary design plus construction details and model for a “shelter” in the Kinzig-Auental (2 ECTS credits, individual work).
Good ideas can be picked up by municipalities, further planned, and realized.

For interest in the impromptu and for further information at the beginning:
Contact by Tuesday, April 16, 2024.