Attention please! Communicate to persuade!

Workshop for female PhD doctoral and post-doctoral students at FB 15


A workshop for female PhD doctoral and post-doctoral students in international contexts about gender issues within communication, status behaviour and the power of persuasion.

Development as a successful researcher involves more than building research profiles and skills. Broader professional development is becoming increasingly significant for researchers. Communication and interpersonal skills are progressively a key factor for a successful career development. In particular, the ability to convey your skills, personal attributes and experiences through effective communication can be crucial for your researcher’s career. Furthermore the knowledge about “power” or “status games” could lead to a broader view and bigger toolset of communication skills. The participants will get support to recognise the specific patterns of communication and status behaviour in organisations and to develop tools to handle them.

This Training has persuasive communication and the impact of situative status games in communication for scientists in focus. Through this training, participants will get an idea about stereotypical attributions of different styles of communication and they will develop a precise idea of their own personal strength and abilities. They will be enabled to develop a more authenticable way of representing their scientific work in a confident way. Thus the content and results of their presentation can be promoted with much higher conviction.

July 13-14, 2017
Fachbereichssaal, FB 15 Architektur

Workshop for female PhD students
Consultant: Deborah Ruggieri
Limited to 16 participants
Funded by E.F.A. Entscheidungsgremium Frauenförderung Architektur

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For more information please contact Markus Kip ( ) or Lucia Wright ( )