Comparative Urbanism
Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center Urban Affairs and Planning (VirginiaTech)
In this course, students will explore and understand the concept of healthy cities, its current challenges, and possible actions and interventions. In addition, students will design and develop a collaborative group research project together with students from the Washington Alexandria Architecture Center (WAAC) Virginia Tech University. The research project will be develop through comparative research with the aim to identify and analyze a specific problem related to the concept of “The Healthy City” in both Germany and the United States, and each group will conclude their research with some recommendations and visions. The course is an introduction to research methodologies in urban design with a focus of gaining fresh empiric data (e.g. observations, counting, interviews, mapping, etc.).
Place: Zoom
1st meeting: 01.03.2022
Examination: 10.05.2022
Language: En
Instructors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Knöll, M.Sc. Gladys Vásquez Fauggier
Placement: Seminarbasar