Restart West End Darmstadt
Darmstadt's City West – here you can find different hardware stores, furniture shops, fast food – restaurants and other services which are mostly dependent on the use of cars. In the context of the growing city Darmstadt, the City West is focused for its transforming potential in case of residential uses. The site is situated near the train tracks along the western city limits. In the design process it should be converted into a new mixed use city district. The result should be a new urban area with residential and working uses which functions as the entrance of the new City West in Darmstadt. The design process is focused on experimenting with solutions on varied challenges the City West has to deal with.
Dates: Thursdays, 10:00-17:00h, FG s
Start: 17.10.2019 Field trip in Darmstadt
First meeting:
Wednesday, October 17, 11:40h, L301/93
Examination: January 29, 2019
Instructors: Profs. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Dettmar, Dr. Martin Knöll, Dr.-Ing. Annette Rudolph-Cleff, Prof. i.V. Verena Schmidt
Scientific staff: Charara, Günes, Köberer, Krauth, Hekmati, Conradi, Burmester
Registration: Tucan