Darmstadt-Arheilgen: Living after the Corona Lockdown
Task description urban design winter semester 2020/2021
You will develop inclusive urban design conceptsthat combine new forms of housing and with modelsfor sustainable mobility and leisure time facilities.The new development connects private houses in theSouth, some farms and riding stables in the wideagricultural area, allotment, private houses and thestream Ruthsenbach in the Southwest to the North.We are particularly looking for housing, public parksand new mobility design concepts that prioritizecommon and private living, shared spaces, pedestrianaccessibility and sojourn quality for all age groups. Inorder to connect the new concepts with (historic)Arheilgen and the reduce of the consumption ofresources to develope a new sustainable district.Students will create the urban design concepts incollaboration with users and experts (Coronaconform), to increase the accessibility and amenityquality of the new district, furthering Access andDesign for All.
Time: Wednesdays, 9:30 – 17:00h
Moodle Entwurf: Darmstadt-Arheilgen: Schöner Wohnen nach dem Lockdown – 15-42-6412-ue
1st meeting: 4.11.2020, 9:30h, online
Examination: 22.2.2021
Instructors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Knöll, ao. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Hopp, Dipl.-Ing. Britta Eiermann (Assistant lecturer)