Break Up! Brechen in the “Golden Ground”!
The rural municipality of Brechen with almost 7,000 inhabitants in its districts Oberbrechen, Niederbrechen and Werschau is currently undergoing a strong transformation. How can vacancies and structural changes in key locations be countered? Which uses and functions (e. g. local supply) can be maintained or newly offered in rural areas? What forms of housing will make Brechen fit for the future (e. g. suitable for the elderly or intergenerational)? Which social structures should be expanded or strengthened, which identity-forming or community-building facilities, activities or events should be maintained? What demands will be placed in the future on the urban space in Brechen, but also on the landscape as a place for leisure and recreation? And how can a long-term sustainable development be initiated and accompanied?
The development of sustainable and identity-forming strategies for the community of Brechen is the goal of a competition launched by the municipal board of Brechen.
Dates: Thursdays 10:00-17:00h
Place: hybrid
1st meeting: Thursday, October 21, 2021
Examination: February 3, 2022
Profes.: Rudolph-Cleff, Dettmar, Knöll
Scient. staff: Gehrmann, Helms, Labidi
Placement: Tucan