City Components for the Productive City – Conflicts or Synergies?
Recurring basic modules, such as block, row or tower serve as organisational elements of the city. Those city components developed over time, as an expression of changing societal conditions. Given current new challenges (digitalisation, climate change, global crisis), the concept of the productive city is increasingly calling for attention within the urban discourse. The return of inner city production promises new potentials, but the proximity of different uses create contradictory demands and require new urban design solutions. In this seminar we want to look into existing city components and investigate if those suffice to meet the new demands of the productive city. Through case studies, we want to explore ways in which those basic modules can be adapted, combined or reinterpreted to avoid conflict and create synergies for a sustainable urban development.
Dates: Tuesdays 10:00-11:30h
Place: FG UDP L3|01 R481
1st meeting: October 18, 2022
Examination: December 20, 2022
Instructors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Knöll, M.Sc. Jana von Mackensen
Placement: Moodle