Architecture Theory and Science
Tuesday Night Live is a event series at Technische Universität Darmstadt with international thinkers and architects to share their work in process and discuss with students, teachers and the public. Each »season« of Tuesday Night Live has e a prescription, a set of rules or questions, brought to live and filled with diverse content by the selected guests.
Architecture as a field is still structurally problematic in 2023: the cult of long working nights, the dominance of patriarchal (and privileged class) structures, preference of certain aesthetics as well as implicit and explicit exclusion of many communities lead to dependencies, power imbalances and homogenization. But architects are creative, engaged thinkers who build new worlds. That is why we invited exactly those who imagine the future differently in our 3rd season: student initiatives. Through subversive interventions, constructive instructions and disruptive protests, they all found different ways to enrich and question our field through architecture and its techniques. In 5 interviews we ask 7 questions to this next, future generation, and want to listen, learn, be inspired – and start rebuilding.
Tuesdays, 19:00 CET
17.01.2023 Chair of Unlearning
07.03.2023 Collective (TU Wien) CLAIMING*SPACES
28.03.2023 (ETH Zürich) Reading Group Unmasking Space
Upcoming guests:
Working-Class Collective (RCA, London)
Horizonte (Weimar)
ifa diaspora Gruppe (TU Berlin)
Live on Instagram @atw_architekturtheorie
#ATWTuesdayNightLive #7QuestionsForTheFutureGeneraion #WhatCanWeLearnFromYou
In the fourth episode of Tuesday Night Live we are very glad to ask 7 questions via Instagram live! Horizonte
“Horizonte” is a student initiative at the Bauhaus University-Weimar.
We believe there have already been many visions of architecture and their effect is widely known. At different opportunities existing ideas have already been reviewed, and these have been reorganised or in one way or another re-thought. This change of perspective has been the idea behind Horizonte since 1992. As a showcase for architecture, art and design, Horizonte seeks to present different approaches, projects and stories. The initiative consciously acts on the basis of the former state school Bauhaus in Weimar, to promote interdisciplinary and international thinking and work. Horizonte is not bound to any architectural programme or name, but only to the search for the new and the pleasure of discussing current topics.
Horizonte sees itself as an open source and is only committed to opening up new perspectives, addressing itself both to all those who want to look beyond the horizon, but also to all those who want to reflect on current issues internally, aswell as to those who are just curious and just want to take a look at our posters and are encouraged to listen to our guests.
We are kicking off this season of Tuesday Night Live in person.
Join us live next Tuesday, 17.01.2023, 19:00 CET in the Kuhle at the Department of Architecture!
Our first guests of this season will be . As the first student-founded chair at TUM their focus lies on topics such as feminist spatial practice and intersectionality within the architectural discourse. We are very glad to be joined by Lisa André,Marie Gnesda und Elena Spatz to ask them 7 questions for the future generation. Chair of Unlearning
Positionen+ will be co-hosting this event!
To fuel the discussion, there will be delicious drinks and snacks so make sure to join us !
In the second episode of the third season of Tuesday Night Live on 07.03.2023, 19:00 CET we are very glad to ask 7 questions via Instagram live! CLAIMING*SPACES
The CLAIMING*SPACES Collective is a bottom-up group of students, graduates, teachers and researchers at TU Wien which seeks to foster intersectional_feminist perspectives in architecture and spatial planning.
In the second episode of the third season of Tuesday Night Live on 28.03.2023, 19:00 CET we are very glad to ask 7 questions via Instagram live! Unmasking Space
Unmasking Space is a student-led course in the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich. It aims to reflect critically on the current knowledge production in architecture education and bring attention to learning forms, voices, and methods that are currently under-acknowledged in the institution. Though multidirectional knowledge exchange and immersive activities, it experiments with other forms of learning, offering a critical lens on current pedagogues. The curatorial direction of unmasking space is currently held by Shriya Chaudhry, Michael Hoi Ming Du, Nina Hsu, Giacomo Rossi, and Qianer Zhu (in oder of appearance on the slides). We are very glad to ask them #7QuestionsForTheFutureGeneration