Urban planning and public interest

How to bridge the growing gap between investor-led urbanism and public interest?


The joint team of the Urban Morphosis Lab and Urban Design and Development Unit of the Faculty of Architecture offer this semester an international urban design studio titled “Transforming Belgrade Waterfront-public interest & investor-led urban planing”

In the focus of the urban design studio for the SS 2022 is the ongoing transformation of the city image of Belgrade, Serbia, which started with the conversion of 90 ha of brownfield land with utmost visibility, on the Sava riverfront.

The so-called ‘Belgrade Waterfront’ project was announced in 2012; however, this public-private investment has already caused numerous controversies – such as planning and participative challenges, functional and aesthetic qualities, and many more. Therefore, students of architecture will have the opportunity to discuss about what constitutes public interest in such international investor-led urbanism. After an input and exchange during the international workshop in Belgrade, the students will work on design interventions to address and improve elements of public interest in the ongoing waterfront redevelopment in Belgrade.

The design studio is organized in collaboration with TU Berlin, Michigan State University, and the NGO “Ministry of Space” from Belgrade, Serbia. Our team consisting of Prof. Rudolph-Cleff, Gastprof. Čamprag and Dr. Suri is looking forward to student’s creative and critical contributions and wish everyone a successful summer semester!