Detailed information on the requirements and the application can be found on the . In addition, the website of the International Affairs Department of the TU Darmstadt offers information on preparing and carrying out an internship abroad. The ERASMUS+ programme countries include the 27 EU countries as well as the United Kingdom (funding until 31 May 2023), Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. website of the ERASMUS programme
The internship must last at least two months and a maximum of twelve months (for graduates a maximum of six months). It is possible to split the maximum duration of an ERASMUS grant of 12 months per degree programme (Bachelor's and Master's) between a study abroad programme and an internship (e.g. study programme 8 months + 4 months internship).
Without an internship placement, the application must take place at least two months before the planned start of the internship, with an internship commitment at least one month before.