Yes, 6 weeks of construction internship (if possible already completed, but not an admission criterion! Proof should be submitted in the first week of the semester if possible). The construction internship can be completed in the main or secondary construction trade (i.e. also in the carpentry, joinery, electrical and sanitary installation, a painting and varnishing company, etc.), NOT EVER IN THE ARCHITECTURAL OFFICE. A certificate of the trades or activities and the duration is sufficient, a report or certificate is not required.
The Bachelor's programme can only begin in the winter semester (October). However, the application must be submitted by 15 July at the latest, exclusively online at
Yes, but that applies to all German universities. The new Bachelor's and Master's degrees had to be introduced everywhere by 2010. Together they are “worth” just as much as the old Dipl. Ing., but they are used throughout Europe / the world, so that it is easier to change, e.g. to a foreign country during your studies.
The BA programme lasts three years. The Bachelor's degree is “professionally qualifying”, i.e. you have completed a recognised course of study, but it is of course not equivalent to the “old” Dipl. Ing. In architecture, the Master's degree is considered the standard degree and is required for later self-employment. However, there is nothing to stop you from gaining a few years of practical experience after completing your Bachelor's degree and then, if necessary, completing your Master's degree.
The MA programme builds on the Bachelor's degree and takes two years. You can do it at the same university or at another university in Germany or Europe. At the TU Darmstadt, a Bachelor's degree in architecture is a prerequisite for applying for the Master's degree, as well as a portfolio with an overview of the academic achievements from the Bachelor's degree (the portfolio must not contain examples from professional activities or similar).
Yes, with a BA degree in architecture you can apply directly to the TU Darmstadt for the Master's programme. You can start in the summer or winter semester! A portfolio examination is always required.
Yes and no. The degrees are equivalent on paper, but it's even more important at which university you did it. Graduates from other universities are always assessed on a case-by-case basis (at the TU Darmstadt on the basis of a portfolio). You should therefore look at several universities yourself beforehand and then study where the offer seems most convincing to you. There is no valid “ranking”. Specialisations or features of the respective study programme appear to be more important than the “good reputation”.
That is entirely up to you! The ideal time to do this is when you have completed your BA and are doing your MA somewhere else. However, you can also go abroad for a semester / a year within your degree programme, although this is left to individual initiative. Most achievements gained abroad can be recognised, but you should still expect a certain time delay. Questions about a year abroad, e.g. with Erasmus, can be answered by the International Office (Arch.).
The TU Darmstadt guarantees a Master's place for its own graduates. However, this should not prevent anyone from changing universities for the Master's degree.
This is subject to a case-by-case assessment. A performance to be recognised must be comparable to that of our degree programme. This is decided by the examiners at the TU (Prof.s), but only AFTER enrolment, a non-binding preliminary examination is not possible. Important: Grades and CPs remain unchanged in this case, but are not sufficient on their own for recognition: The better you have documented your own performance (e.g. scans of plans, model photos, term papers, exams, etc.), the better your chances are of finding the suitable module for recognition.
The designations have very little to do with the subject orientation. At the TU Darmstadt, all engineering degrees are called “of Science”. Nevertheless, the emphasis of architectural education in Darmstadt is on the creative-design field and above all on design. The decisive factor is rather that the two fields of structural engineering and urban planning were studied in conjunction with each other and that knowledge of construction is assumed or expected. Therefore, degrees in urbanism, interior design, civil engineering, design or similar do not qualify for application.
As a rule, not. This prohibition only does not apply if the examination is not included in the curriculum of the TU Darmstadt. Therefore, students wishing to change are obliged to enclose a certificate from their previous university stating whether they are still entitled to take examinations in architecture and, if not, why.
No. If the degree is from the TU Darmstadt, the Master's place is guaranteed. However, the admission requirements may change at some point, and a portfolio application with the achievements from the Bachelor's degree is always required for foreign graduates. Professional experience gained in the meantime, on the other hand, does not play a role and may not be included in the portfolio (equal treatment!).
Not at present. The portfolio is assessed independently of the grades. Therefore, good grades from your studies are not an indication of how the portfolio will be evaluated.
You can't say that. The value shifts every year depending on the number of applications. In recent years, it has usually been between 2 and 3. Please bear in mind that (as of 2019) there are approximately 900 applications for every 150 places.
Bachelor's and Master's degrees are taught in German. For “Bildungsausländer*innen” (without German Abitur), proof of language level C1 is required. The language certificate must be submitted with the application, it cannot be submitted later. English language skills should be at least passive, so that you can understand English texts and lectures.