Creative design is at the centre of the architecture degree programme at TU Darmstadt. Constructive, artistic and historical-scientific areas are grouped around this. Systematic knowledge transfer and creative-playful elements are thus intertwined. Structural and urban planning are understood as a unity. At the centre of the teaching of each semester is a design project, to which the majority of the other courses in this semester are directly or indirectly related.
The study of architecture at the TU Darmstadt is divided into two phases that build on each other. In the Bachelor's degree programme, the basics of the various fields are taught. In the Master's programme, these basics are then deepened according to personal interests.
The study plan is designed in such a way that all coursework in the Bachelor's degree has to be completed in six semesters, and in the Master's degree in four semesters.
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With the “Darmstadt Model”, a concept for architectural education has proven itself, which focuses on creative design as the core of teaching. Other focal points in the artistic and historical-scientific subjects as well as urban planning complement the wide range of subjects offered by the department, which is divided into six subject groups:
The faculty building is located on the Lichtwiese campus of TU Darmstadt. All faculty chairs, workrooms, lecture halls, and student working spaces are settled in one building.
The Online Self-Assessment (OSA for short) is a TU-wide internet-based study orientation service. It is primarily aimed at those who are interested in studying for a Bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Architecture at TU Darmstadt.
The OSA provides information about teaching and impressions of the department in the form of videos, photos and texts that make it possible to get a picture of studying architecture at the TU Darmstadt. These are also of interest to prospective Master's students.