Our department carries out research into architecture and cities as structural, technological and artistic manifestations of society, characterised by history and culture. Engineering expertise is used to develop visions of the future for – and with – society by utilising design and planning methodologies and insights gained in the humanities. Building culture is thus not only the result of sustainable design but rather the requirement for the sustainability of our constructed environment in the future.
Zukunftsweisend, mutig, nachhaltig
Kurt-Ruths-Preis 2024 geht an Dr.-Ing. Andrea Rossi
Der mit 12.000 Euro dotierte Kurt-Ruths-Preis geht in diesem Jahr an den italienischen Architekturforscher Dr.-Ing. Andrea Rossi, der am Fachbereich Architektur der TU Darmstadt promoviert hat. Mit dem Preis wird Rossis Dissertation zu computerbasierten Entwurfsmethoden und Software-Werkzeugen gewürdigt, mit deren Hilfe sich Gebäude bereits von der Planung an nachhaltiger entwerfen lassen.
DFG project IDOVIR – follow-up proposal approved
The online infrastructure IDOVIR, which was largely co-developed by the Department of Digital Design at TU Darmstadt and funded by the DFG, will now be funded by the DFG for a further two years.
Print Local!
We are pleased to announce “Print Local!”, a newly published chapter in the book “AM PERSPECTIVES – Research in Additive Manufacturing for Architecture and Construction”, authored by DDU researchers Oliver Tessmann, Nadja Gaudillière-Jami, and Max Benjamin Eschenbach.