Our department has a very interdisciplinary structure. Professors in various different disciplines – such as architecture, urban planning, art and digital design, engineering sciences, archaeology, the history of architecture and architectural theory – teach and carry out research here. You can receive your doctorate from us in all of these fields of research.
Students can complete engineering doctorates that primarily focus on building construction themes, carry out research into more sociological, historical or theoretical issues related to architecture and art in the areas of archaeology, building research, art history and the history of architecture, as well as architectural theory and architectural science, or also focus on design subjects. They can also produce experimental dissertations that deal with aspects of digital or artistic design or carry out research that focuses more strongly on the actual construction of buildings, i.e. the design and planning processes, construction economics, sustainable construction and other building or urban and landscape planning themes. This huge variety of subjects – and their different theoretical, practical, artistic or academic orientations – is what characterises research in a department of architecture.
The doctoral process is governed by the current of the Technical University of Darmstadt. Students with a university degree in a subject other than architecture or urban planning can also complete their doctorate in our department as long as the research topic is related to the field of architecture and the doctoral studies are supervised by a university lecturer from our faculty. Graduates from technical collages are also welcome as doctoral candidates. Doctoral Regulations
An is required for students with a university degree from a foreign university. equivalence check
Doctoral studies at the Department of Architecture are subject to the General Doctoral Regulations of the Technical University of Darmstadt. You will find further information on doctoral studies at TU Darmstadt . on the central home page