
Urban Sustainable Mobility in Focus: student education, community involvement and participative planning – UrbanSCOPE

This Erasmus+ funded action and research project aims to promote urban sustainable mobility strategies through education and active citizenship. The project will research new education tools and learning methodologies that can be adapted to different education levels (higher education, family education, secondary education).


Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Knöll
Gladys Vásquez Fauggier, M.Sc.
Camilo Pfeffer

In cooperation with

Utrecht University, Niederlande
PRISMA – Planning and Research Consultants, Athen
Széchenyi István University (Koordination), Győr
Wissenschaftsstadt Darmstadt
Stadt Glyfalda, Griechenland
Stadt Győr, Ungarn

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Joachim Linke, Fachgebiet Landmanagement, Fachbereich Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften, TU Darmstadt


Das Projekt läuft vom 01. Oktober 2019 bis 31. Mai 2022.