Elective Urban Design Seminar (3 CP)
Winter Semester 2024/25

Inclusive Urban Planning and Development – Normative and practical insights, self assessments and a change in perspectives

Inclusive urban planning and development

Normative and practical insights, self assessments and a change in perspectives

Inhabitants and occupants are a positive part of a city or a town if interactions with urban structures are possible. As a result a city might be active, vital and a positive urban feeling take place. Social and urban structures are developed over the time and adapted to the new and current challenges, like demographic changes, digitalization, global crisis and climate change.

The seminar includes lectures / inputs and exchanges with experts. Furthermore a common guided tour with a self-test. The self-test will take place using components of Inclusive Lab, suggesting mobile and sensory limitation and reduction, with the aim of a change of perspective. And practical exercises with a focus on the ground of the Siftung Nieder-Ramstädter Diakonie, Mühltal. The seminar ends finally with a Stegreif / Design Impromptu as an examination.

For the urban Master-Design in the summer semester SoSe 2025 this seminar is an advance information and will be recommend for interested students.

Dates: Fridays, 9:30 -11:00 am
Place: FG UDP: L3|01 R48
1st meeting: October 11th, 2024
Examination: December 6th, 2024
Final submission on moodle: December 8th, 2023
Instructors: a.o. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Hopp
Language: German
Registration: Tucan
Max. number of participants: 25