A kind invitation to the final presentation of the seminars and “Gemeinschaftsgüter und öffentlicher Raum in Krisenzeiten” (Leuphana/Architektur und digitale Kultur) in cooperation with the Deutschen Architekturmuseum. “Auf die Barrikaden! Protestarchitektur zwischen Raumkonfiguration und Objektgestaltung” (TU Darmstadt/ATW)
The seminars addressed the connections between architecture and protest from different perspectives. What constitutes protest architecture? Is there such a thing as “resistant design”? How does protest manifest itself in urban space? What role do the body, communication, and social media play? During the events, students from both seminars will present their research. The occasion for the seminar in Darmstadt is an exhibition on the topic, which is currently being prepared at the Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt.
Cooperation partner:
- Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Architecture and Digital Culture (Prof. Ursula Kirschner / Nayara Benatti, Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP))
- German Museum of Architecture, Frankfurt (Oliver Elser / Anna-Maria Mayerhofer)
- Darmstadt University of Technology, Architectural Theory and Science (Dr. Lisa Beißwanger / Leonie Lube)
- CCSA – Center for Critical Studies in Architecture
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