A list of current exchange places for students of the Department of Architecture can be found at the end of this website. The (opens in new tab) provides detailed information on scheduling, requirements, the application and recognition procedure. In addition, the website of the International Affairs Department of the TU Darmstadt offers a information brochure »Go out!« and general insight into the exchange programme. exchange opportunities by subject area & field reports
Application Process
The application is made one year in advance at the International Office of the Department of Architecture. Exchange places are allocated for the entire academic year at the beginning of the year (January / February). The application deadline is November 30.
In addition to the , the following documents are required: online application
- Printout of the online application for a stay in a European and/or non-European country (three universities)
- (opens in new tab) Attachment to the application form by FB15
- transcript of records (printout from TUCaN)
- Letter of motivation in German (one page)
- Information and proof of language skills
- Confirmation of participation in the (completed application form) Buddy Programme
- Curriculum vitae
- Portfolio with at least three projects / drawings (max. DIN A3)
Please upload your files in the moodle-course . GoOut -Auslandsstudium
A second, printed version of your application (portfolio) should be submitted at the Dezernat (letter box International Office).
Recognition of Credits
The awarding of credits at the Department of Architecture consists of the (opens in new tab) of the work done abroad as well as the presentation of the experiences abroad in a short lecture at the “International Evening”. During the stay, a short report in form of the postcard campaign “Greetings from abroad” or a post on the Instagram page of the individual recognition is a requirement in order to give interested students a direct insight into the reality of the semester abroad. In addition, exchange students undertake to write an experience report after completing their stay abroad, in which they describe their personal experiences abroad with regard to the country, the city and the partner university. Interested parties can view past reports on the individual partner universities in the following list of partner universities. International Office Architecture